First a little general introduction. Is name will be using due to privacy protection, and will be seen in covering up real name on some items.. Member of President Josip Broz Tito guard, in special auto squad V. 4795 (presidential motorcade unit), in position of driver and close escort of Marshal Tito since 1958 until death of Tito in 1980. After death of Tito, Comrade K. To serve in position of driver and close escort to members of Presidency of Yugoslavia until his retirement. All of items in this YUGOstuff category are personal items of Comrad K, some received as gift directly from president Tito, most resulting as a present from his unique workplace. GALEB lot, consist of. JRM Galeb folder 2. Smaller picture 24cm x 18cm, dated 21.2.1977, to Dragan 4. Smaller picture 24cm x 18cm, dated 21.2.1977, to Jasna. Accolade for contribution, cooperation etc. As it can be seen this is pure propaganda made photo, distributed to close company of Tito escort, Guard members etc. EXCEPTION FROM RULE ABOVE IS PRINTED MATTER. Is now available via DHL EXPRESS.