This offer is for one original, antique, large film negative measuring approximately 24 x 8 inches. This image was captured with a panoramic camera by a professional photographer from Boston. The image shown here was created using Adobe Photoshop Elements; which is a very rudimentary editing tool. It was then scanned on an’Epson 750 Pro’ scanner – which, (in spite of its name) is NOT a Professional scanner. Any competent commercial, or professional photo lab can scan and print much higher quality copies or prints. As these are originals, they are only images like this in existence. They are yours to do with whatever you wish. Actual image may be larger than scan; which may have been enlarged to show detail, or cropped to align horizons. Minor colour correction may also have been applied. These films were only lightly air-cleaned with “Dust-Off” before scanning. Although they are adult owned and cared for, i. Handled with respect! They may have (easily removable) minor marks or scratches not apparent in this scan. Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have.