An amazing diorama of the Norwegian Merchant Tanker. M/T FERNCASTLE traveling on a naturalistic seascape. Within a framed Lucite display case. Size Large Case: 45″/114cm L x 9″/23cm W x 9/23cm H. See Photos, an integral part of the Description. Provided by Minnehallen (Hall of Remembrance) in Stavern. M/T FERNCASTLE was traveling in ballast from Esperance. Bay, Western Australia to Abadan, Iran, when, on 17 June. 1943, she was fired upon and eventually sunk by the German. Auxiliary cruiser MICHEL with an accompanying Japanese. Motor torpedo boat at position 25 South by 97 East. See image number 9 for map. Pinpoints where the M/T FERNCASTLE went down. As the crew boarded the boats, MICHEL opened fire. One man was killed and another plunged into the sea. With his life jacket on fire. It was assumed that more. Were killed, since only 19 men wound up in two lifeboats. No one wanted to be captured. Pulled away and managed to disappear from the Cruiser. A course was set for the Chagos Islands. Along the way, all the men were moved into one lifeboat. Day after day they stayed the course due west across. What must have seemed like an endless Indian Ocean. The daytime sun was brutally hot while at night a bitter. Thirst, hunger and salt sapped everyone’s. Madness and doom threatened to take over. Six men died along the way, the last after 30 days. At sea, and ironically on the same day that land was. On 17 July, exactly a month after being. Torpedoed, 13 survivors crawled ashore on a sandy. Beach at the village of Nosy Varika in Madagascar. Miles from FERNCASTLE’S last position. A total of 24 men were lost. Took on board 13 men from FERNCASTLE. Known who these were, because they were also. Killed when MICHEL was sunk later that year. This particular M/T FERNCASTLE Diorama is more. Than rare, it’s unique, a one-off, one-of-a-kind. There’s not another one like it online or off. NO Chips, NO Cracks, NO Crazing, NO Restoration. Protected by a wood and lucite display case. Please note – all lots may show signs of wear. Commensurate with age and use. From My Personal Collection. Displayed in Smoke-FREE, Pet-FREE Environment. Photos are of the ACTUAL Diorama. Unless otherwise noted, all white spots on photos are. Reflections from camera flash and overhead lighting. The M/T FERNCASTLE Diorama has been listed for. Available for very long. Therefore, if you like it. To find the least expensive yet highest quality. If the estimate is. If the estimate is too low, we’ll bill the. LoopGraphix is not responsible for service transit. Transit times are provided by the carrier. Exclude weekends & holidays, and may vary. With package origin and destination. Particularly during peak periods. If an item arrives damaged, save the item and. Claim can be filed. If you do not save. May NOT honor the claim.